Working from home and can’t connect? Figuring out how to setup video calls? Missing a cable, or need computer help? We have lots of geek volunteers in Arlington - here’s a starting list!
Remember: these are all volunteers - please respect their time, and only ask questions in areas they can help! If you can volunteer your tech skills, please sign up!
Tech Volunteers So Far
Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
Amos Meeks
Availability: Available most times, evenings and weekends preferred.

Can offer help in these areas:
- Home networking (fixing cable/FiOS, wifi connections, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - iPhones/iPads (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
- WordPress, content systems, Google Docs (building your own website)
- Online conferencing: Zoom
- Online board games with friends
Can offer help in these areas:
- Online conferencing: Zoom, FaceTime, BlueJeans
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
Ken Paynter
Availability: I can be contacted any time, but will probably follow up mostly in the afternoons or evenings.
Can offer help in these areas:
- Excel or Google spreadsheets
- small-scale data solutions (e.g data transformation/integration)
Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Windows (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
Joe Curro
Availability: Contact anytime. Will probably follow up in evening.
Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Windows (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Android (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- WordPress: content systems, Google Docs (building your own website)
- Online conferencing: Zoom
Can offer help in these areas:
- Home networking (fixing cable/FiOS, wifi connections, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Windows (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - iPhones/iPads (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
- WordPress: content systems
- Google Docs (building your own website)
- Online conferencing: Zoom or Google Hangouts
Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Android (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
- Online conferencing: Zoom
- Online conferencing: Google Hangouts
- Online mapping (Google maps, Google Earth, GIS)
Can offer help in these areas:
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online conferencing: Zoom or Google Hangouts
Availability: Like we all do these days, I work from home (smile). I can be available for quick responses during the day.

Can offer help in these areas:
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
- Online conferencing: Zoom or Google Hangouts
Bob Voges
Availability: Contact me anytime via text or email. I will be available to provide help mostly after 2PM until June 8, any time of day after that.
Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Windows (virus removals, installing software, etc.), General troubleshooting - iPhones/iPads (virus removals, installing software, etc.), Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.), Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.), Online conferencing: Zoom, Online conferencing: Google Hangouts, Help with MS Office apps (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and Google Apps (Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Forms)
Derek Matias
Availability: Anytime by email. Email is checked on a regular basis
Can offer help in these areas:
- Home networking (fixing cable/FiOS, wifi connections, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- General troubleshooting - iPhones/iPads (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- Email support (getting logged in, saving or finding emails, etc.)
- Online payment systems (using PayPal, Venmo, etc.)
- WordPress, content systems, Google Docs (building your own website)
- Online conferencing: Zoom
- Design software help as well as general help with any technology related issue
Shane Curcuru
Availability: Anytime via email

Can offer help in these areas:
- General troubleshooting - Mac OSX (virus removals, installing software, etc.)
- WordPress, content systems, Google Docs (building your own website)
- open source software, communities, trademarks